International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes


A Conference of leading international institutions, imparting education in fashion related subjects, was held in New Delhi in 1998, to deliberate on the idea of establishing an International Apex Body comprising leading International Fashion Education Institutions, to meaningfully help each other in upgrading their programmes, assist in bringing about sharp professionalism in the structure and operation of the industry in their countries, and above all, contribute towards the establishment of a framework of co-operation and collaboration vitally needed in the wake of liberalization and integration of global trade in Textiles and Clothings under the auspices of WTO.

The invitees to the conference unanimously supported the concept of establishing IFFTI.

The International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institute (IFFTI) was registered as a Society on 14th October 1999 at New Delhi, India. Since then IFFTI has grown into the most comprehensive and prestigious international organization representing leading fashion higher education institutions in areas of design, technology, and business. The foundation presently comprises 55 institutions from 22 countries.

Among various Initiatives IFFTI provides Travel Scholarships to Faculty and Students of IFFTI member Institutions for presenting papers at the Conference and conducting short course of Study /Workshops at another member institution.

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